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2018-03-12 SB min.
Town of Princeton, Mass. – March 12, 2018 – 1:00 PM
Selectboard – Town Hall Annex
        Present:  Chair Jon Fudeman, Richard Bisk, Edith Morgan (arrived at 1:05 PM) w/ TA Nina Nazarian.
1:03 PM – Meeting was opened by Jon. Richy asked that we invite the ad-hoc group who worked on the long-term financial planning document to present to the Selectboard. On a motion by Richy, second by Jon, the board voted 2-0-0 on inviting the ad-hoc group.
Mechanics Hall - Jon gave an overview on the history of insuring Mechanics Hall for fire, vandalism, etc. as it was told to him by Rick Wiles. Jon recommended that we self-insure for building repairs. Edie asked for Nina’s recommendation and Nina expressed that the subject could go either way, it was a small amount of money (~$2,200), but there was hopefully limited risk that the group would need insurance for a major cost, but that she could ultimately support Jon’s recommendation. The board agreed that they would not purchase additional insurance for matters such as fire, vandalism, natural disasters, etc., as the town is insured by its current liability policy relative to personal injury, etc. The board voted 3-0-0 that the town self-insure for building repair matters, should they arise.
Gun violence and public safety – Richy began describing the motions which he had prepared to advocate for productive action across the country. He expressed concern that across the country there appear to be two sides but thinks that there could be things in the middle, that most people could agree on. The motions he suggests, would be to write letters to certain officials.  Wayne reminded the board that last Monday he suggested that there be public discussion, before any motions are made. Wayne asked when public comment would be allowed on these subjects.
On a motion made by Richy, second by Edie, that the board write to Superintendent McCall and Principal Beando and Principal Boyle stating that: “[t]he Princeton Selectboard applauds the efforts of our students to address gun violence and school safety issues.  We support their plan to walk out of school for 17 minutes on March 14 to honor the 17 students who died in Parkland, FL and to advocate for laws that better protect us from gun violence. We thank the WRSD administration and staff for working with students to insure that this is a safe and productive event.” Jon called for comment. Wayne Adams asked whether the Selectboard would feel compelled to have to comment on each future action that might be taken by citizens. Jon expressed that these activities could be addressed in a case by case basis and didn’t see any precedent set. Kathy Conway noted that the subject was raised to Dr. McCall when he was here last Monday evening. Barbara Adams asked what the students are doing to address gun violence and safety? Richy indicated that he was applauding that the students for raising the issue and seeking action. Jim Whitman suggested acknowledging that we have already some laws that protect us but are not be being enforced Richy explained that he was unable to support Jim Whitman’s proposed change, given that this point was not part of the stated goal of the walk out. Jon said that he could support the proposed change to the language. A question was raised as to whether or not the Selectboard should write a letter on the Selectboard letterhead, without input by the town. Comments were made that there are many instances, in the regular course of business, where the Selectboard states their views as elected officials without calling for public input. Jon called for a vote, and the Selectboard voted 3-0-0 to issue the letter.  
Richy made a motion that the board write to Governor Baker stating that “[t]he Princeton Selectboard supports your decision to join the Northeast Gun Safety Coalition.  We are concerned about the level of gun violence in our country and believe that it is critical for states to share information about who is barred from obtaining a gun.  Public safety is a major concern in our community. We are currently debating the expenditure of millions of dollars to provide improved fire safety for our residents. However, there are ten times as many deaths from guns as there are from fire in the United States.  Thank you for your efforts to reduce gun violence.” Under discussion there was a suggestion for an amendment to change the 2nd reference from “we” to the “Town of Princeton”. Barbara Adams suggested that the 2nd motion not include fire safety, given that it could district from the actual goal of trying to communicate the importance of the coalition. The board agreed to remove two sentences, including the reference to public safety/fire. The motion was amended by Richy, then seconded by Jon the board voted 3-0-0 to issue the letter stating: “The Princeton Selectboard supports your decision to join the Northeast Gun Safety Coalition.  We are concerned about the level of gun violence in our country and believe that it is critical for states to share information about who is barred from obtaining a gun. Thank you for your efforts to reduce gun violence.”
On a motion made by Richy, second by Jon, that the board write to Representative McGovern, Senator Warren and Senator Markey that “[t]he Princeton Selectboard is strongly concerned by the level of gun violence in our country and concerned that federal law limits the ability to study causes of this violence.  We urge you to support the repeal of the Dickey Amendment.  The Dickey Amendment has prevented the CDC from conducting research on gun violence.”   Jon suggested that the word, “we” be revised to be the Selectboard. Jim Whitman asked if the Selectboard was familiar with the Dickey Amendment.  Richy explained his position on the amendment and noted that the CDC had stopped researching causes of gun violence because of the amendment.  Jim Whitman explained his understanding that the amendment did not prevent such research. Susan DeLiddo mentioned that congressman Dickey later indicated regret that the amendment had ended CDC research and that this speaks volumes. Jon suggested that the motion be tabled until the next meeting, Richy made the motion to table, seconded by Edie. The board voted 3-0-0.
On a motion made by Richy, second by Jon, that the board write a note to Senator Chandler and Representative Ferguson that “[t]he Princeton Selectboard urges you to support H.3081:  “An Act establishing extreme risk protective orders.”  It would empower Massachusetts families and law enforcement to prevent gun tragedies by temporarily reducing access to guns by individuals at a high risk of endangering themselves or others. It is based on the long-standing infrastructure and procedure of domestic violence protective orders and involves both a court hearing and clearly defined due process protections.” Jim Whitman asked if the members had reviewed H.3081. Richy stated that he had read the entire bill. Wayne indicated that this subject was still controversial at the state level and may not be a good solution because it may detour individuals who need mental health assistance. Wayne suggested that this was a very complicated matter, and that there may be some unintended consequences. Sue D. pointed out that we still do not know what to do with mental health, and maybe we need to be careful not to stigmatize mental health/illnesses. Wayne indicated that there are research papers on mental health, that it gets tagged as a mental health illness issue. Richy noted that when he read the bill, he did not find the issues that were being presented but indicated that he understood if the other members felt that they should look over the information before taking a vote. On a motion by Jon, second by Richy, the board voted 3-0-0 to table the motion until the next SB meeting to give SB time to study it further..
Richy asked for input by the Selectboard and audience on his 5th proposal to write to the two gun clubs in towns thanking them for their efforts to promote gun safety, but felt he need more detail to include about their work. Wayne asked if this would obligate the clubs to continue any safety programs. Edie said that it may be important to learn about the gun clubs’ operations and what their goals are, before writing to them. Sue D. indicated that she lives close to a gun club and took a gun use and safety course at the gun club, which included a significant amount of gun safety programming. Chris Conway suggested that the Norco club has a very good website and may be beneficial to review. Barbara Adams suggested that the Selectboard members come in to a gun club for introduction. The conclusion was that this would be investigated further.
Barbara suggested that it was a concern that this discussion took place at 1 PM, as opposed to 7:30 PM, asking why. Richy responded that at least one item was time sensitive and with a meeting already in place, it was simply timing on when the information was prepared and ready to go. Kathy asked why the Selectboard meetings couldn’t be earlier, rather than 7:30 PM. The board indicated a willingness to consider the question.
Continue goals discussion in relationship to FY19 budget – Nina listed the open topics:
  • Strategy on the subject of the securing funds for the public safety building through a bond bill
  • Potential for a full-time fire chief
  • Facilities plan
Richy asked what we were not getting with a part-time fire chief. Group agreed that they should meet with the fire chief in executive session to discuss contract negotiations as his contract expires June 30, 2018, and it may be logical to approach the subject of whether or not the town would be best served with a part-time or full-time fire chief.

Edie encouraged the other Selectboard members to attend Facilities Steering Committee meetings. Richy said that he has been encouraging residents to get involved and know what is going on before town meeting. Edie also shared that she has spoken with a number of folks as it relates to private funding and shared that Mary Jo Wojtusik may have an idea of how to set up the mechanism to have people donate directly to the town.

Jon said that he felt that a community center is crucial for a community to be able to get together. He described his visit to the Sterling senior center. He said that loneliness is a major problem for many seniors. Edie agreed that it was a leading cause of depression. Jon explained the different scenarios relative to the renovation to Bagg Hall. Jon wants the citizens to have the facts relative to a community center, fearing that we will not have a community center for a long time. Jon agrees that public safety is the first priority.  Richy explained that his goal was to present something that would be supported by the residents. Selectboard agreed that Option A was a more appealing to them as opposed to Option B.

The Selectboard then discussed strategies for securing funds from the state through the infrastructure bond bill (H. 4045). Jon explained that he would like the Advisory Committee bylaw change to be one the May town meeting warrant. Edie explained that she would like to see the AC Review Committee’s report first. Richy indicated that he supports the changes proposed, however does not support changing the appointment process. Jon mentioned the letter relative to our finances which he drafted for keeping up with for communicating with residents relative to our financial state. Richy suggested that we include the ad-hoc group’s work on the towns website somewhere.

On a motion made by Jon, seconded by Edie, the board voted 3-0-0 to communicate to the Facilities Steering Committee that the Selectboard supports presenting Option A for consideration at town meeting. The board agreed to bring in Deb Cary and one or two others who may be interested in assisting the Selectboard with strategizing on securing funding for the public safety building. The Selectboard agreed that they would add three things to the agenda for Monday: 1. Communication with residents relative to finances of the town, a memo drafted by Jon, 2. AC By-law proposal, 3. Revision to Public Participation Policy.

3:40 PM – Board adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, town administrator
BOS Referenced Documents: Document by Richy on motions regarding gun violence and public safety; Advisory Committee bylaw submission by Jon; Discussion on finances of the town prepared by Jon;

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department